Tuesday 9 September 2014

Woman in red

The Woman in Red (1984 film)


Plot [ edit ]

San Francisco ad man Teddy Pierce is amused by, then obsessed with, a beautiful woman whose red dress goes whooshing over her head from a gust of wind as she crosses a grate. Teddy is happily married to Didi, but he can't get this woman out of his mind.

Encouraged by his friends Buddy, Joe and Michael, he tries to ask her for a date but mistakenly phones Ms. Milner, a plain ad-agency employee who is flattered by his interest.

Teddy ultimately does become acquainted with the woman in red, a model named Charlotte, going horseback riding with her and even inviting her to a relative's party. He radically alters his wardrobe and begins using elaborate ruses to see Charlotte socially. Meanwhile, he incurs the wrath of Ms. Milner, whom he stands up.

Events come to a head in Charlotte's high-rise apartment, where she invites Teddy into her bed. He is thrilled until her airline pilot husband suddenly comes home. Teddy ends up on a ledge, where passersby below believe he is a potential suicide about to jump, all captured on live TV.

A subplot concerns Teddy's friends, one of whom is gay (Whose partner leaves him after he cheats on him with a younger guy.), another a philanderer whose wife finally throws him out.

Cast [ edit ]

Background [ edit ]

The Woman in Red was shot in the fall of 1983.

Тексты песен → Stevie Wonder → The Woman In Red

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Текст песни «The Woman In Red»

Am I seeing what I think I see

Or are my eyes playing tricks on me

'Cause what I see don't make no sense

The woman in red

Like fine wine she's going straight to my head

The woman in red ([Background]-The woman in red)

The woman in red (See the woman in red)

I'll settle for nothing less than her instead

M-M-Miss please pardon me

Now listen to me I can hardly speak

I haven't been this much confused

Since Daddy caught me trying on his shoes

Now, I'm too old to be acting like this

But there's something about her I just can't resist

My heart is beating like a big bass drum

And my mind is saying that girl's the one

Imagine you're sitting at ring side

The Woman in Red

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Woman in Red may refer to:

The Woman in Red (1984 film). a 1984 film starring Gene Wilder

Their soundtrack. produced by Motown

The Woman in Red (1935 film). a 1935 film starring Barbara Stanwyck

Woman in Red (comics). a comic book costumed crimefighter who is one of the earliest female superheroes

The Woman in the Red Dress, a minor character in the movie The Matrix

Ana Cumpanas (Anna Sage), who was nicknamed "the Woman in Red" for the dress she wore when John Dillinger was killed. Despite the nickname and her alleged promise to wear red as a distinctive mark, Cumpanas is said to have been dressed in orange.

Did You Know?

The slogan for the public transport campaign that model Kelly LeBrock advertised was "She's Running Again!" See more »

When Teddy enters a room with his arms full of books, the lady speaking to the group of people is heard saying "extra helpings", but her mouth appears to say something different to this. See more »

Teddy Pierce. What was I thinking. I have kids, a wife and a good marriage. And to think I could have wrecked it and for what?

[ looking over at the ground from a towering height and about to jump off ]

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