Monday 15 September 2014

Woman you know you woman

Текст песни

Брайн Адамс - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman

Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman (оригинал Brian Adams )

To really love a woman

To understand her -

You got to know her deep inside

Hear every thought - see every dream

And give her wings - when she wants to fly

Then when you find yourself

You tell her that she's really wanted

When you love a woman

You tell her that she's the one

she needs somebody to tell her that

Have got to treat her right

She will be there for you

Taking good care of you

You really have got to love your woman

And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms,


Watch for flirting, usually subtle at first and then becoming more open. She will flirt with you in front of others, her friends as well as yours. Signs of flirting often include facial expressions, giggling at comments or anecdotes and making off-the-wall gestures.

Observe the way she acts around you. She may fight for your attention in a group; she may buy you a drink or walk you to your car. If you have had one too many, she may offer to give you a ride. Watch closely as the little favors add up.

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Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman Lyrics

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To really love a woman, to understand her

You gotta know her deep inside

Hear every thought, see every dream

An' give her wings when she wants to fly

You tell her, that she's really wanted

When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one

'Cuz she needs somebody

To really love a woman, let her hold you

Til' you know how she needs to be touched

You've gotta breathe her, really taste her

Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? Lyrics - Bryan Adams

To really love a woman

To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside

Hear every thought - see every dream

N' give her wings - if she wants to fly

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms

You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman then tell her

You've gotta breathe her - really taste her

Till you can feel her in your blood

N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes

You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman

then tell her that she's really wanted

When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one

'cause she needs somebody to tell her

that you'll always be together

So tell me have you ever really -

really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight

A little tenderness - you gotta treat her right

She will be there for you, takin' good care of you

Ya really gotta love your woman.

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms

You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her

that she's really wanted

When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one

she needs somebody to tell her

memmories. tears. ) | Reviewer: Anonymous | 12/15/11

This song has always be one of my best flashback memmory song. it states A true feeling of a person in a real relationship between a man and a woman. show whats really in ur' this song delicated to a special person. a special friend. he will always remain in my heart.

delicate thing clled true love | Reviewer: Dav | 7/19/11

very warm and true lyrics. But one must feel this way, it cannot be forced. Yet in order to become object of true love from majority of women, man cannot only act naturally without making some conscious actions, because men and women are different in thinking and feeling. It is not enough to show feelings of love and expect that woman will give feelings back. Woman must be in a way 'forced' to fall in love. There is no bad conotation in it, if intentions are honest.

So you may actually feel like those lyrics say, but you may also help yourself by acting abit the way lyrics say.

You have to be unique, say warm words in a warm and dreamy way, look her into eyes, kiss her into her cheek, eyes, forehead from time to time. Be direct and dosage your honesty (i. e. not too much). Make things that will surprise her, in the next moment make her feel warm and safe and loved. But never say words I love you it will destroy atmosphere. Women love expectations and uncertainity. If you say it all, magic will be gone. Woman must be willing to fall in love with you because of what you say and do, how you act. She will never fall in love with you just because you are in love with her. Women are ancient hunters, and they canot control their feelings. So treat their feelings directly.

It is something that may sound unnatural but love is a game that should be mastered. When a girl comes that deserves your attention, you may use your skills to make you both happy. Men think falling in love is enough to gain a girl, but usually that is only a beginning. Men must master the skill of seduction. That's why there are so many unsuccessful relationships, because men don't understand how to act and what to do.

Of course it is not allowed to seduce woman without right intentions. It will come back to you sooner or later. If your intentions are good, enjoy most beautiful game in the world :)

no like button for facebook? | Reviewer: Michael | 4/27/11

No.1 - Run with her on the beach. No.2 - Give her your sweater when she’s cold. No.3 - Never talk about other girls infront of her. No.4 - Learn to play the guitar for her. No.5 - Comfort her when she’s scared. No.6 - Watch the sunset with her. No.7 - If she can’t sleep, read her a bedtime story. No.8 - If you get in a fight with her and she starts crying, just stop and hold her. No.9 - Never force her to do anything. No.10 - Call her beautiful, especially when she least expects it. No.11 - Never let her walk home alone. No.12 - Play with her hair when she’s laying on your chest. No.13 - Always make the first move. No.14 - Never lie to her, she’ll find out. No.15 - Kiss her when she’s sleeping. No.16 - Sing to her no matter how terrible your voice is. she’ll like it. No.17 - When she’s fighting with someone, defend her even when you don’t think she’s right. No.18 - Accept her for who she is. No.19 - Call her beautiful instead of hot nor sexy. No.20 - Don’t let go first during a hug. No.21 - Tell her if she has something in her hair. No.22 - Tell her you love her before she sleeps every night. No.23 - Never go through her messages. No.24 - Making her look bad infront of your friends will make you look bad, too. No.25 - Always have her back. No.26 - Kiss her in the rain. No.27 - Leave her voice messages to wake up to. No.28 - Stay on the call with her even if she fell asleep. No.29 - Let her fall asleep in your arms. No.30 - Give her piggyback rides. No.31 - Call her babe. No.32 - Apologize when you’re wrong. No.33 - Always open the door for her. No.34 - Boobs or butts doesn’t matter. No.35 - Notice the little things. No.36 - Give her flowers. No.37 - Good hygiene is a must. No.38 - Be confident. No.39 - Don’t swear. No.40 - Carry things for her. No.41 - Always be the stronger one. No.42 - Pay for dinner. No.43 - Hold her chair. No.44 - Be a good listener. No.45 - Don’t brag. No.46 - Compliment her. No.47 - Don’t use her. No.48 - Respect her. No.49 - Perform random acts of kindness. No.50 - Never take her for granted. No.51 - Give her breakfast in bed. No.52 - Hang out with her friends too, not just yours. No.53 - Do whatever it takes to make her happy. No.54 - She’s more important than videogames. No.55 - Don’t make a promise if you’re gonna break it. No.56 - If she slaps you, you probably deserved it. No.57 - She should have three things from you; your sweatshirt, a stuffed animal and a really pretty ring. No.58 - Never slap her, even if it’s just in a joking way. No.59 - If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked. No.60 - Forget her birthday once and you’re screwed. No.61 - Hug her from the back. No.62 - Never insult her, even if you’re joking around. No.63 - Never miss a date. No.64 - Try your best to get her something on your vacation. (it doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it’s from the heart) No.65 - Wear that knitted sweater that she mad for you. (it will mean the world to her) No.66 - Never ask her to buy you things. No.67 - If you love her, show her, not your friends. No.68 - Don’t get upset if she wants to watch chick flicks. (you might even like it) No.69 - When she’s sick, don’t neglect her. No.70 - Reply her texts. No.71 - Never ask a girl out because of a dare. No.72 - Never be late for a date. No.73 - Unexpected surprises. No.74 - When both of you are in a fight, take the blame even if she’s wrong. No.75 - Listen to what she has to say. No.76 - If you know she loves you, don’t play with her emotions and take advantage of it. No.77 - When she refuses to talk to you because you did something to upset her, insist and make up for it. No.78 - Make her feel like a princess. No.79 - Shift to the dangerous side when crossing the street. No.80 - When she drops something, stop whatever you’re doing to help her. No.81 - Never let her down of blow her off. No.82 - Treat her like your bestfriend. No.83 - Kiss the back of her hand. No.84 - Love her when she least deserves it — that’s when she needs it the most. No.85 - Tell her your stories and feelings too. She wants to hear them. Promise. No.86 - Don’t tell her lies just to spare her

feelings, she’d rather know the truth now rather than finding out later. No.87 - Yes, “I’m cold” is another way of saying “hug me”. No.88 - Believe her and believe in her. No.89 - Always listen to what she has to say. No.90 - Good grammar is sexy. No.91 - Look her in the eyes. No.92 - Let her rest her head on your shoulder. No.93 - Take the initiative to go and talk to her. No.94 - Have pillow fights with her. No.95 - Never talk bad behind her back. No.96 - Never be a jerk to her infront of her friends. No.97 - Never go to parties or hang out with other girls without her. No.98 - Never make excuses. No.99 - Don’t talk to her when you’re mad. (you will screw something up) No.100 - Don’t try to keep anything from her. No.101 - Slip sweet notes in her locker. (they will make her day) No.102 - Never let a day pass without saying ‘I love you’ to her. No.103 - Always protect her from any kind of harm. No.104 - Never give her a reason to think that she’s the man in the relationship. No.105 - Grand gestures. No.106 - Kiss her under the stars. No.107 - Love her unconditionally. No.108 - Make her an album of the songs that reminds you of her. No.109 - Never lead her on if you know nothing’s going to happen. No.110 - Never answer “Does this make me look fat?” question. (it’s a trick) No.111 - If you love her, never let her slip away. No.112 - Your warmth soothes her heart. No.113 - When going out, don’t ask her what she wants to do, take charge and decide. No.114 - Smile and laugh at her jokes, even if they aren’t funny. No.115 - If you don’t have time for her, make time for her. No.116 - Always be available for her. No.117 - If you love her, tell her before it’s too late. No.118 - Never forget an anniversary. No.119 - When you’re around her, always make her feel like you’re her first and last. No.120 - It’s the little compliments that means alot to her. No.121 - Show her off infront of you or her friends. No.122 - When she’s tired, carry her. No.123 - Never accuse. No.124 - Do it because you want to, not because you want something back in return. No.125 - Actions speak louder than words. No.126 - Have those I-love-you-more-fights. (she thinks it’s cute) No.127 - Don’t say whatever when you are arguing. (it’ll make her more mad) No.128 - Never blame her for your mistakes. No.129 - She loves that cute smirk. Promise. No.130 - A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally. No.131 - No more bro’s before ho’s. Well respected women, before bro’s. No.132 - Don’t go anywhere without kissing her goodbye. No.133 - Hold the door for every girl, attractive or not. No.134 - Try to write a song for her, even if you’re not musically inclined. (she’ll love it no matter what) No.135 - Text her good morning to have her day start with a smile. No.136 - She comes first. Always. No.137 - Never let her forget how much she means to you. No.138 - Never let her fall asleep waiting for your call. No.139 - Her “nothing” is always something. No.140 - Never tell a girl she doesn’t understand. Ever. Chances are she does. No.141 - Forehead kisses. No.142 - Have a day for just you and her, she loves the one on one time. No.143 - Have tickle fights with her (but let her win) No.144 - Dance with her even when there’s no music on. No.145 - Stay up, even if you are tired to talk or chat with her. No.146 - Never give her a reason to doubt your feelings for her. No.147 - Never reject her kisses or hugs.

this song is really nice, everytime i heared of it, i think im in heaven, its always inspire me, and at the same time comfort me if i had a problem. i salute you BRYAN ADAMS your my idol, the one and only BRYAN ADAMS. GOOD JOB.

listening to this song, i know more than ever how in love i am. the words jump off the page and i know i've found the women of my dreams. yes, i really love a women and it is the most amazing gift. the gift of love has change my life :')

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Перевод песни Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman

Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman

To really love a woman

To understand her -

You got to know her deep inside

Hear every thought - see every dream

And give her wings - when she wants to fly

Then when you find yourself

Lying helpless in her arms

You know

You really love a woman

When you love a woman

You tell her that she's really wanted

When you love a woman

You tell her that she's the one

she needs somebody to tell her that

Until you can feel her in your blood

and when you can see

Your unborn children in her eyes

You know You really love a woman

When you love a woman

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