Saturday 13 September 2014

Woman 72 oz steak

Woman breaks ‘Big Texan’ 72 oz. steak record, eats two steaks in under 20 minutes

AMARILLO, Texas – A Nebraska woman has a new claim to fame.

Molly Schuyler, weighing in at 120 pounds, ate not one but two 72 oz. steaks at Amarillo’s Big Texan Steak Ranch.

Most who attempt the challenge cannot finish one steak but in less than 20 minutes Molly put away two 72 oz. steaks.

The Bellevue, Nebraska, native said she is going to try to consume three entire meals in under an hour.

Woman Eats Two 72-oz Steaks In 15 Minutes [VIDEO]

You’ve heard of eating contests, but have you heard of anyone devouring two 72-oz steaks in 15 minutes?

Meet Molly Schuyler, the dainty woman who did it! Schuyler went to The Big Texan Ranch in Amarillo, Texas to take on their jumbo 72-oz steak challenge, which includes eating one baked potato, a salad, a roll with butter and a shrimp cocktail in one hour or less. But, instead of just eating one meal (which she did in under five minutes), Schuyler proved to the world she could eat two full meals! Keep in mind, the steaks alone weigh an astounding nine pounds!

If you can handle watching this woman in action, watch her take the steak challenge below. On her YouTube page, Schuyler explained her accomplishment doesn’t end here:

“I am going to try and do 3 whole meals under an hour.”

-Ashley Quadros, KYMX/Sacramento

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Watch This Woman Eat a 72-Oz. Steak in Record-Breaking Time

How much steak can one woman take? Molly Schuyler has set the bar at 4.5 lbs.

The competitive eater started her 2014 by setting a new world record for the fastest time to eat a 72-oz. steak. Sayler's Old Country Kitchen in Portland, Ore. served as the site for the delicious victory, where Schuyler gobbled down the massive piece of meat in 2 minutes and 41 seconds, demolishing the previous champion's time of 6 minutes and 48 seconds.

VIDEO: Stop everything and watch this woman eat a 72-oz. steak in under 3 minutes

Posted: Thursday, January 9, 2014, 12:18 PM

A mother of four from Nebraska recently set a Guinness World Record when she ate a 72-oz. steak in under three minutes. Molly Schuyler went to Sayler's Old Country Kitchen in Oregon to try their 72oz. Steak Challenge. At the beginning of the video, someone off-frame explains that approximately 1,500 people have attempted the challenge and only 500 succeeded. Of those 500 successful suitors, only 10 were women.

The previous record for that specific challenge was longer than 12 minutes. The world record was six minutes and change. Schuyler finished the entire steak in 2:44, thus shattering both of those marks.

Schuyler is a competitive eater who got into the scene a year or so ago.

"(It's) an unexplained phenomenon; I was just born that way. I started doing this about a year ago, and I guess it's like a stupid human trick," Schuyler said.

As a child, Schuyler remembers going all out at the buffet with her siblings.

"We did that so much as kids, we kind of battled it out," she said. "We've always ate big." [KPTV. h/t Reddit ]

In case you were wondering, Molly Schuyler has already qualified to compete in this year's Wing Bowl 22. She made it in by eating nine pounds of cottage cheese in under two minutes.

Click here to watch the video.

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