Monday 15 September 2014

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Indian Woman Hanged from a Tree After Being Sexually Assaulted on a Train

32 year old Indian woman from the state of West Bengal was reportedly abducted and sexually violated while travelling on a train to New Delhi with her 10 year old son. After the rape, the woman was reportedly strangled and then hanged from a tree. Recent spike in sexual attacks on women has caused a lot of public outrage and calls for severe punishments in India.

This fatal gang rape happened less than a month after another highly publicised rape which reportedly took place on a private bus in Delhi, and a day after yet another gang rape in the state of Punjab. The half naked corpse of the woman was found by locals, her clothes were a few meters away from her body.

The reports by eye witnesses on how the woman left the train vary quite a bit. Some claim the perpetrators activated the emergency brake and forced the woman off the train, others say the woman jumped the moving train to avoid an imminent attack and the perps followed, and yet others say she alighted the train at a Bhagalpur station on her own devices.

Authorities found liquor bottles in the orchid where the woman is believed to have been raped so an assumption was made that the attackers were drunk. Indian men have all the fun.

32 Year Old Woman Was Abducted and Raped While on a Train to Delhi 32 Year Old Woman Was Abducted and Raped While on a Train to Delhi

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Naked Woman Hanged off a Railing in Brazil

Looks like it’s Brazil, not Mexico. The victim is 22 year old Juliene Goncalves Anunciacao. She was found hanging naked in a Cuiaba public square in early morning hours of May 28, 2012 by a couple on a morning exercise jog.

The girl was first raped, then strangled to death and then hanged to simulate suicide. The police speculate that the perpetrator was someone known to the victim. Her family suspects Juliene’s ex boyfriend. The attacker used girl’s jeans as hanging rope.

Why would an ex boyfriend sexually assault his ex girlfriend? He’d already tasted her pussy? It’s not like he was gonna get any new experience from it?

Naked Brazilian Girl Hanging Off a Railing with Image of Her Alive in Inset Presumed Rape Victim Hanged to Make It Look Like Suicide This Beautiful Brazilian Woman May Have Been Sexually Assaulted and Murdered by Ex Boyfriend

Gorgeous Smile Will Not Pleasure Any More Dicks Because of One Selfish Rapist From Beautiful Latino Woman to Hanged Rape Victim in a Flash Proper Brazilian Booty Suspended Against a Wall For Anyone to Mount

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Murder of her step-daughter, Louisa (12)

Note. Newgate was the main place of execution for London and the County of Middlesex up to 1902. Horsemonger Lane jail was the “hanging” prison for the County of Surrey up to 1878.

As you can see from the above, murder was by far the most common crime for which women were hanged in the 19th century, representing some 78.6% of the total number executed. 142 of these women suffered for this crime. A further 20 were hanged for the murder of their bastard child. This was sadly quite commonplace where young, usually poor, unmarried girls became pregnant and killed their baby. It was defined as a separate crime from ordinary murder. Attempted murder was still a capital crime in Britain up to 1861. Three women were executed for this offence, the last being Sarah Chesham in 1851. Three women were also hanged, one for being an accessory to murder, one for conspiracy to murder and one for aiding and abetting murder.

Women convicted of murdering their husbands (at least 18 cases) and superiors (e. g. their employers) (1 or 2 cases) prior to 1828, were guilty of Petty Treason (denoted by P/T above) and were dragged to the gallows on a sled before being hanged. Martha Aldin was who had murdered her husband received the following sentence that on "Friday next you will be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck till you are dead, and your body afterwards to be dissected." The sentence was carried out in full on Friday, the 31st of July 1807. at 12 noon. before a huge crowd on Castle Hill, Norwich. Dissection was a mandatory part of the punishment for all female murderers from 1752 to 1834. In 1828 the crime of Petty Treason was abolished, the offence being reclassified as ordinary murder.

At the beginning of the 19th century the “Bloody Code”, as it was known, was still in force, mandating the death sentence for a large number of property crimes. Six women were hanged for stealing or robbing in a dwelling house, one for robbing a brothel, three for burglary, one for riot, one for killing sheep.

Coining was deemed to be high treason and three women were executed for it in the 19th century, the last being Susan Grant in 1809. Coining was the practice of clipping off the edges of gold and silver coins and melting down the clippings either to form ingots or to forge other coins. Coining ceased to be a capital crime in 1832. Forgery (particularly of bank notes and coins) also carried the death penalty and led to six executions up to 1834. Uttering was the crime of passing forgeries - e. g. forged coins, bank notes or cheques and seven women were to die for this crime.

Charlotte Long became the last woman to be executed for a crime other than murder or attempted murder, when she was hanged with Thomas Gaskins at Gloucester in 1833 for arson, which was considered a very serious crime due to the destruction of property and the risk to life. It still carries the possibility of a "life sentence" today. She was one of five women to suffer for this crime between 1800 and 1833.

It was not until 1861 that the Criminal Law Consolidation Act reduced the number of capital crimes to four: murder, treason (including arson in Royal Naval dockyards), mutiny and piracy. No woman was to hang for any of these crimes other than murder.

Catherine Connelly was the oldest woman hanged, being 70 at the time, the youngest recorded was Hannah Bocking. who was only 16 and one of at least nine teenage girls to be executed during the 19th century. She was hanged for poisoning another girl, Jane Grant, at Wardlow Miers in Derbyshire. The execution of persons under 16 was not formally outlawed until the Children's Act was passed in 1908.

Click here for a graph showing the steady decline in female executions during the 19th century as the number of capital crimes and severity of punishments were reduced. For whatever reason the proportion of female murders and executions was much higher in the period 1837 to 1865. Women accounted for 32 out of 318 executions during this period, or just over 10%, the highest ever proportion, despite the fact that a large number were reprieved. There seemed to be a rash of poisonings by women at this time.

All of these women suffered in public, often before large crowds, hanged using the short drop method which meant that none of them had a pain free death and in many cases, it would be reported that they "died hard," i. e. struggled for some time in agony before unconsciousness supervened. Twenty two year old Ann Hurle's execution in 1804 is described thus in the Newgate Calendar.

"She was brought out of the debtors' door in Newgate at eight o'clock. The mode of execution by the drop having been for the time changed to that of the common gallows, she was put into a cart and drawn to the place of execution, in the widest part of the Old Bailey, where she expiated her offences in penitence and prayer. When the halter was fixed she seemed inclined to speak, but her strength evidently failed, and she was incapable. Her appearance, upon the whole, excited emotions of compassion among the spectators, who at last became so clamorous that the sheriff, in a loud voice, described to them the impropriety of their behaviour, after which they were more silent. The cap was then pulled over the face of the sufferer and the cart drawn away. As it was going she gave a faint scream, and for two or three minutes after she was suspended she appeared to be in great agony, moving her hands up and down frequently". (She was typically only pinioned by a rope around her arms and body at the elbows.)

In accordance with the Murder Act of 1752 murderers had to be hanged within 48 hours of sentence. In reality this was often extended to 72 hours as it was usual to pass sentences on all prisoners convicted at an individual assize on a Friday. Sunday was legally a “dies non ” and nobody could be executed on that day so the earliest a murderer could be hanged was on the following Monday. This act was finally repealed in 1834. After which it was normal for at least two weeks to elapse between sentence and execution and this was later extended to “three clear Sundays”.

After 1834, the bodies of all criminals executed were buried within the precincts of the prison in which they were last confined, in unmarked graves whose locations were recorded. Prior to 1834 those executed for crimes other than murder could be claimed by relatives and friends for burial in consecrated land.

It was normal for men and women to be sentenced together at the end of a county assize or London Session and those condemned and not reprieved would be hanged together, often on a market day (often a Saturday) in the rural county towns so as to draw the biggest crowd. In 1817, the famous prison reformer, Elizabeth Fry, recorded one of her visits to Newgate prison where she went to comfort a young woman called Eliza( beth ) Fricker, aged about 30. Eliza had been condemned for burglary. Fry found "also six men waiting to be hanged and seven young children." One of the men was Elizabeth ’s co-defendant who had also been sentenced for burglary, two for robbery and three for forgery, all capital felonies. Mrs. Fry protested at the severity of Eliza's sentence and was attacked for being a sentimentalist by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Eldon, who stated that "if hanging was abolished for theft, the property of Englishmen would be left wholly without protection." Eliza was duly hanged outside Newgate on Wednesday, the 5th of March 1817. together with the six men, the children being reprieved.

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