Sunday 14 September 2014

Woman 3 dead babies

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Опубликовано: 12 сент. 2014 г.

A woman who lived in a squalid home where the bodies of three infants were found this week was arraigned Friday on charges including fetal death concealment and ordered held without bail. (Sept. 12)

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Опубликовано: 13 сент. 2014 г.

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

Mass. Woman Arraigned After 3 Dead Babies Found

A woman who lived in a squalid home where the bodies of three infants were found this week was arraigned Friday on charges including fetal death concealment and ordered held without bail. (Sept. 12)

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Mother Arrested After 3 Dead Babies Are Found Among Vermin In Home

Two weeks after 4 children were removed from Erika Murray’s squalid home, the bodies of 3 infant babies were discovered inside the same home next to a pile of soiled diapers. Horrifying.

Erika Murray . 31, is being held without bail after being arrested because the bodies of three dead babies were found inside of her filthy home. She is believed to be the mother of the three infants, as well as the four other children who were removed from her home by social services — including a 3-year-old and a 6-month-old that did not have birth certificates. However, Erika has not yet been charged in the deaths of the three deceased babies. So sad.

Woman Arrested: 3 Babies Bodies Found Inside Dirty Home

This is absolutely horrific.

Three tiny bodies were discovered hidden inside the Blackstone, Mass. home of Erika Murray on Thursday, Sept. 11. Each body was reportedly covered in “vermin” and hidden near piles of soiled diapers.

“The house is filled with vermin,” a prosecutor explained, reports the Daily Mail . “We have flies. We have bugs. We have used diapers, in some areas, as much as a foot-and-a-half to 2-feet high.”

In response, Erika’s attorney, claimed that she suffered from “mental illness.:

The shocking discovery was made just two weeks after four other children, ages 6 months, 3, 10, and 13 years old, were removed from the home by social services and put into the state’s care. Erika, who was arrested the same day the three babies were found inside of her home, is believed to be the mother of all 7 children.

As of her arraignment on Friday, Sept. 12, she has not been charged in the death of the three babies. Worcester District Attorney Joseph Early Jr. revealed that they have yet to identify the three babies ages or genders.

Erika’s is being held in police custody without bail and has been charged with fetal death concealment and witness intimidation. It is also possible that while she remains in custody, investigators could uncover even more bodies inside the home as they continue to search through the piles of filth, reports People .

Our thoughts remain with Erika’s four eldest children and her extended family during this very difficult time.

– Lauren Cox

Woman found with 3 dead babies at home had 1 born alive


BOSTON — A lawyer for the Massachusetts woman facing charges after the skeletal remains of three babies were found in her squalid home says she had the babies starting about eight years ago, including one infant she said was born alive and lived for several days.

Attorney Keith Halpern said Friday that Erika Murray told police she put the baby down for a nap and when she returned about an hour or two later, the baby was dead. The Boston Herald was the first to report the information Murray told authorities.

Murray is being held on $1 million bail.

Prosecutors have said that two of the dead babies found in Murray’s Blackstone home may have been alive for “some period of time” before they were discovered.

Halpern said Murray had the three babies in between her 10-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter. Prosecutors say the 3-year-old and a 5-month-old girl were profoundly neglected.

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