Saturday 13 September 2014

Women proposing to men

Компания МотусАвто

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Купить новую или подержанную машину в условиях города не просто. На нашем сайте вы можете ознакомиться с некоторыми характеристиками автомобилей марки: хундай, хендай портер, киа, пежо, рено, мерседес, ситроен, форд, опель, ивеко, фольксваген. Выбрать автомобиль с пробегом очень сложно. Основными критериями в выборе грузового автомобиля из Германии является. год выпуска, состояние кузова, пробег, износ основных деталей автомобиля ( двигатель, трансмиссия, коробка передач), прошлое автомобиля. Для лучшего выбора подержанного автомобиля из Германии рекомендуем выбирать автомобиль в среднем ценовом диапазоне по данной модели, году и состоянию.

Women Proposing to Men?!

There is a deeply rooted cultural narrative surrounding the idea of proposal. It's always been the man popping the "big question" when he feels it is right or he is ready. Stigma is raised about this big day that shows that guys have all of the control and none of the emotion. Leading up to this day, women have questions swimming through their head too numerous to note. While men are just trying to find themselves and make sure they're ready. Why shouldn't women be allowed to answer some of their questions and make sure their heart is in the right place?

Back in the 1920's when America was booming and life was good, a tradition coined as Man-gagement, made its way here from the Anglosphere (Scotland and Ireland). The "Leap Year" tradition in which women ask their man to marry them on February 29th if it works out, is still around today. This trend here in America had a bit of a different fate because of the idea behind it and cultural differences. It was short-lived mainly because of inequalities between men and women and society seeing it as a way for feminists to rise up and fight for women's rights.

Today, those inequalities are gone and the trend is back with immovable numbers. So I leave you with this, why not do what is right for your relationship and not let social taboos or stigmas influence your decisions?

Women Proposing To Men

Why Do Women Propose To Men?

There has been a long-lasting tradition commonly known as the leap year tradition . This tradition originated in Ireland and dates back at least hundreds of years. It is said that the leap year tradition started because at the time, leap day was not acknowledged by English law. Because of that, women concluded that traditions didn't matter on leap day and took advantage of it. Therefore, women would go against tradition and propose to their men. It's kind of ironic how it started as women 'going against tradition', but in turn, they STARTED a new one.

" Reverse proposing ", a term used in reference to a woman proposing to a man, is a growing trend. More and more men are the ones wearing the engagement ring these days. Why shouldn't the woman propose to the man? Women do it for the same reasons that men do it. They are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives with their man.

How To Propose To A Man

Believe it or not, men like to be romanced just as much (if not more) as women. Men who get proposed to generally have a good response to the proposal. It makes many of them feel honored because not many men get proposed to and of course, because they know just how much their woman loves them.

You can do many different things to propose to a man. It really depends on your personal preference and it is ultimately your decision on what you decide to do. Some people want to go all out and be ultra romantic on the day they propose. Others take a simple approach. Others are lighthearted. Everyone is different. Here are just a few ideas of what you could do when proposing to your man:

Men like romance . so it is a good idea to think of different ways that YOU would like to be proposed to. Put yourself in his position. What would you like?

It can be simple, such as making him dinner or going on a picnic.

You could propose where you first met, first kissed, first went out on a date, etc.

You could take him to his favorite sporting event and propose; either while you're there or after it's over (especially if his team wins).

I have heard of people who ask publicly for their man's hand in marriage (such as posting the question on a billboard).

You could propose on his birthday or a holiday.

Get something custom-made such as a fortune cookie strategically placed with their meal or invest in custom-made m&m's.

Another personal preference is getting down on one knee . Many people do it, while many others do not. There is nothing wrong with whichever you choose.

The Ultimate Proposal Guide

This isn't 1950. If at all possible, ask your girlfriend to move in together before you propose or get married.

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The truest statement in the history of relationships regarding whether you should propose or not is also the most vague: “When you know, you know.”

Guys in great relationships or happy marriages know exactly what it means. It means: “I can’t explain it; I just know that when I look at my wife, she’s the only one for me and I want to share my life with her.”

For other guys, the “when you know, you know” phrase translates roughly to: “It’s a crapshoot, pal. You’re on your own with the whole ‘knowing’ thing.” Which leads this second group of guys to ask: “Know what? What the hell am I supposed to know?”

How Do You "Know"?

To not “know” means you’re feeling the opposite about some of these things. (Hopefully only some — if you feel the opposite about your girlfriend on all of the above, why even bother dating her? Unless she’s Brooklyn Decker — in which case, hang in as long as you can). Fortunately, when you’re no longer uncomfortable, uncertain or “un” anything involving your significant other (most of all, unsure) that’s when you “know.” And when you know, you know, which means it might be time to propose.

Be This Guy

Here are a dozen very important things to think about when you get to this point:

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