Thursday 11 September 2014

Woman praying


ThePrayingWoman. com is a Christian Lifestyle Blog. Created by Dreana Weston as a means for women to Inspire, Encourage, and Uplift one another through daily prayer and conversation about real life issues. Covering News, Parenting, Relationships, & Spirituality.

When I first started this blog, I was unemployed. I decided to use my extra time to encourage others while I tried to keep myself encouraged as well. Job application, after job application, I remained faithful to God. I couldn’t understand why I had been so faithful, yet every interview and job application ended with the same ole tired line. “We’ve decided to go with someone else”.

But what I didn’t realize at the time was… God had a job for me to do and I was already doing it! As this became more and more clear to me, I reached out to different non-profit organizations and other important causes. Everything started to fall into place.

I realized that at the time. Gossip blogs were the “thing”. But I wanted to create a space for women of all ages, races, and walks of life to be able to lift one another, rather than tear each other down. Since it’s start, The Praying Woman has garnered over 2 Million followers throughout social media.

While my only wish was to be employed, God saw that as just a small favor. He did exceedingly abundantly above anything I ever imagined. All I wanted was a job, and while I was crying over that . God saw this !

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