Sunday 14 September 2014

Woman matrix


Fictional character biography [ edit ]

Encounter with Superman [ edit ]

In an alternate reality (a "Pocket Universe") three Kryptonian criminals (General Zod. Faora and Quex-Ul ) escaped the Phantom Zone. and tried to take over that reality's Earth. There was no Superman in this reality (his younger self, Superboy. having died before the criminals' escape) but there was a Lex Luthor who hadn't turned evil. Using an artificial life-form called the "protoplasmic matrix", Lex created a red-headed woman, Matrix, who resembled his true love, the deceased alternate-reality Lana Lang. Matrix possessed all of Lana's memories, due to Lana's synaptic pathways being copied into Matrix. Lex had also patterned her physiology to resemble Superman's, whom he had seen by using one of his many inventions to look into the mainstream universe.

"Supergirl" [ edit ]

Upon arrival on the mainstream Earth, Matrix was taken to live with Superman's parents, the Kents. Jonathan and Martha did a fine job raising their new "daughter", but Matrix (or "Mae" as the Kents named her) became delusional for a time, believing she was Clark, even assuming his form. After a fight with the real Superman, Matrix came to her senses, but concerned that she might become unstable again and cause the Kents harm, she fled into outer space.

After many adventures, and after playing an important part in the "Panic in the Sky" storyline, she returned to Earth where she met and fell in love with the mainstream Lex Luthor (disguised at the time as his own son). Again donning the uniform her reality's Lex had given her (and once again in the form of the young blonde woman), she assumed the role of Supergirl in the mainstream DC Universe. determined to make this Earth a better one than the one she left. One of her first acts was to return to Smallville. Kansas, and reunite with her "parents", Jonathan and Martha Kent.

Her parents and Superman were shocked when they learned that their dear Mae was now dating Luthor. Mae began living with Lex, and even had an altercation with her "brother" Superman over it, although she did assure him that she would keep his secret regardless.

During The Death of Superman arc, Matrix was eager to help in the fight against the menacing Doomsday. but Lex kept her at bay, keeping her with him by arguing that the city needed her there while Superman was otherwise occupied (although he was also secretly convinced that Superman was in no real danger after all the times Luthor's own plans to kill him failed). When Doomsday reached Metropolis. she rebelled against Lex and went to fight the monster, only to be knocked out in a single blow, forcing her to subconsciously take her true form of a gray, humanoid mass.

When Superman died stopping Doomsday, Supergirl used her powers to protect Metropolis, but was met with some derision, as many people saw her as Luthor's "pet". She did an admirable job of rescuing victims, teaching the new hero Superboy about the importance of being serious when saving lives, and helped Superman return once he was found to be alive again. She even posed as Clark Kent. pretending that Clark had been trapped in a well-stocked cellar during Doomsday's initial attack, to help explain why Clark was gone while Superman was dead.

Her biggest shock came when she learned that Lex had cloned her, making thousands of his own personal "Supergirls". She went berserk, and destroyed his lab, his clones, and almost killed Lex before he fell into a coma. She decided to join the Teen Titans for a short while, but left shortly afterwards, realizing that it just wasn't for her.

Earth-born angel [ edit ]

After some soul searching, Mae began to wonder if she was even a real person or if she even had a soul. This was solved when she held the hand of a dying girl named Linda Danvers. Matrix's shapeshifting ability merged the two into the new Supergirl and Mae became the Earth Angel of Fire, simultaneously losing her shapeshifting abilities as she subconsciously defined herself as just Linda and Supergirl. The remnants of her protoplasmic form that were not absorbed in the merge became an evil, insane Matrix, who fought the Mae/Linda merged Supergirl, until she was absorbed by Blithe. the Earth Angel of Light. Later, when the good aspect of Matrix was separated from Linda, she was merged with Twilight. and became a new Angel of Fire.

Reign in hell [ edit ]

In Reign in Hell #1, July 2008, the team of Shadowpact attacks Linda Danvers in her Gotham City apartment, which makes Linda fight back. She manifests the flaming wings she had while merged with Matrix, but still loses to the collective powers of Blue Devil and Enchantress. However she is teleported to Hell, as Hell is recalling all of its "debts". In Reign in Hell #6, Linda reappears in the Doctor Occult backstory. She appears as a fallen angel summoned by Lilith but mysteriously released.

Behind the scenes [ edit ]

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