Saturday 13 September 2014

Woman замунда

User Reviews

Brilliant, finally a musical worth watching

I feel compelled to submit a review for this movie, purely because some of the atrocious reviews I've seen contributed by others.

To give context, I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and pretty much know all the songs backwards - surprisingly. decades later. I did not grow up in LA, or the States for that matter, but I most certainly grew up with just about every song played in this movie.

I absolutely hate musicals. With a passion. So, even though my friends encouraged me to watch this movie, I resisted. Eventually I caved, and all I can say is that I absolutely loved the movie! My wife loved the movie, but in all honesty, our 10 year old thought it was OK - purely because she didn't know any of the songs.

If you love rock, and grew up with 80s rock, this movie is for you. This movie isn't called Rap of Ages or Pop of Ages or R&B of Ages or Classical Music for the Ages. it's called Rock of Ages. Reviewers posting they walked out after 15 minutes, really shouldn't contribute here. And quite frankly, you need to have a serious problem if you are analyzing the actors voices with respect to the original artists. This movie is good fun, and true to the times.

This movie is THE musical for all rockers out there! Absolutely wonderful fun for the family, with a stellar performance from the entire cast. A good couple of chuckles in there, and if you're over 35 years old. I dare you to not sing along with some of those classics. With so much rubbish coming out of Hollywood to keep the nay-sayers busy with their critical reviews, this is a refreshing change.

If rock is not your choice of music, skip this movie. but if you grew up in the 80s, you should appreciate the music, fun and experience portrayed in this movie.

This movie rocked!

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About Me

Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov I am a tireless universal genius, a versatile polymath with talents, interests and passion to explore, understand, master, create and progress in all kinds of arts, sciences, fields and domains; respectively my ultimate topic and activity is the complete understanding, integration, union and implementation of all of the above, which is to be embodied in a verstatile universal mind. That includes philosophy; AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) - I am the author of the world first University courses in the field; SIGI (Self-improving General Intelligence) or as I prefer calling it: Versatile Limitless Explorer and Self-Improver .

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