Tuesday 16 September 2014

Woman 114 years old

Japan's Misao Okawa Confirmed as Oldest Living Woman, Aged 114 Years, 359 Days

Guinness World Records today announces that Japan's Misao Okawa is the world's oldest living woman at 114 years, and, as of today, 359 days old.

With her 115 th birthday approaching next Tuesday, Misao-san took the title after Koto Okubo - also from Japan - passed away on 12 th January 2013 aged 115 years 19 days. The oldest person ever to have lived is also female, Jeanne Calment of France, who lived to 122 years and 164 days.

Born on 5 th March 1898 in Tenma, Osaka, Misao-san married in 1919; her husband, Yukio, ran his own business in Kobe and together they had three children - two daughters and a son. After the passing of her husband, she moved back to Osaka where she still resides, and remains in good health surrounded by her children, 4 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren (one of whom, Hibiki, is pictured with Misao-san and her 90-year old son Hiroshi, above).

Misao Okawa with Guinness World Records Country Manager for Japan, Erika Ogawa

As well holding the Guinness World Records title for oldest woman, Misao Okawa also belongs to an elite group - The supercentenarians. To qualify for membership to this exclusive club, there is just one criterion: being at least 110 years old. Reaching this age is an exceptional achievement, especially given the average life span for women in Japan is just under 85.9 years; outliving the national average by nearly 30 years is an remarkable feat.

Although America is the country with the most centenarians (people aged 100 or over) in the world, there are an estimated 51,376 of them in Japan, with a staggering 44,842 of those being women. Additionally, Japan is home to Jiroemon Kimura, who holds three Guinness World Records titles - Oldest Living Male, Oldest Male, Oldest Living Person - and is 115 years, 314 days old as of today. Both Misao and Jiroemon have lived across three centuries, which have seen immense social and technological advances including the advent of motor vehicles, flight, mobile telephones, social networking sites and 6 UK Monarchs, 4 Emperors of Japan and 20 US Presidents.

Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief, Guinness World Records said: " It is an honour to welcome Misao-san into the Guinness World Records family. Her impressive longevity - nearly 42,000 days - is an inspiration and a testament to the Japanese lifestyle. It's incredible to think that she was born before the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Vladimir Nabokov, and Walt Disney… Queen Victoria was still on the throne and the Wright Brothers were still a few years from making the first heavier-than-air flight at the time of her birth. "

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Опубликовано: 27 февр. 2013 г.

The world's oldest woman has officially been named as Misao Okawa, who is 114 years old and lives in the western Japanese city of Osaka.

Mrs Okawa was officially recognised by Guinness World Records in a ceremony at the nursing home where she lives.

A 114-year-old Japanese woman, the daughter of a kimono maker, has been recognized as the world's oldest woman.

Misao Okawa said on Wednesday that she was "very happy" to receive the recognition and a certificate from Guinness World Records.

Asked for her secret for longevity she said it was to "watch out for one's health."

It was a nice gift for Okawa, who will mark her 115th birthday next week. According to the Gerontology Research Institute, which verifies age information for Guinness World Records, she was born on March 5, 1898.

Okawa lives in a nursing home in Osaka.

The world's oldest living person as recognized by Guinness -- 115-year-old Jiroemon Kimura -- also lives in Japan. Japan has the most centenarians in the world, with more than 51,000.

С какими брокерами я зарабатываю на Форекс?

Я давно уже торгую на Форекс и за 6 лет работы на рынке сменил 9 брокеров по разным причинам. Случалось у меня и у моих знакомых разное, бывало, что

- стопы мои сбивали не рыночными ценами в WHC ,

- не отдавали выигрыш — 1000 $ в FXstart. До сих пор, кстати, они работают… Чтобы вы подавились моей тыщей.

- все деньги моих друзей исчезали в никуда вместе с компанией Броко

Сейчас для себя оставил только 3 ДЦ, в которых мне больше всего нравится работать. Это:

Инстафорекс – хорошие торговые условия и безпроблемная работа уже 2 года. Мне тут нравится больше всего, что дают плечо 1 к 1000 и бонус 30% от счёта при пополнении.

Альпари – контора хороша тем, что она очень крупная и старая, я у них держу основные деньги, часть из которых вкладываю в ПАММы. Вы и сами в курсе, что у них самый крупный сервис ПАММ счетов в СНГ,

Forex4you – тут мне нравится торговать на миросчетах маленькими суммами, я тут тестирую свои новые идеи и наработки.

Кстати, и ещё! Двое знакомых работают в EXNESS . очень хвалят, тоже, вроде не плохая компания. Основное преимущество в ней в том, что там дают плечо до 1:2000 и спреды очень низкие. Проскальзывания минимальные. Сам я там деньги не держу, но о компании наслышан.

World’s oldest woman, 114 years old, lives in Japan

© Flickr. com/elbuco/cc-by-nc-sa 3.0

A 114-year-old Japanese woman was formally recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world's oldest woman.

Misao Okawa was born in 1898 and got married in 1919. She has three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. One of her sons is 90 years old. Okawa lives in a nursing home in the western city of Osaka, Japan.

The Guinness award came as an early birthday present: she turns 115 on March 5.

According to Gerontology Research Group, 12 people born in the 19th century are still alive, 11 of them women. The world's oldest man is Jiroemon Kimura, a 115-year-old Japanese man living in Kyoto.

Voice of Russia, the Huffington Post, the Guardian

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