Friday 12 September 2014

Woman quits job

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An educated woman who is capable of maintaining herself but quits her job voluntarily, is not entitled to alimony from her estranged husband, the Delhi High Court has held.

Justice Pratibha Rani dismissed the woman's plea, which had challenged a lower court's order denying her maintenance on the ground that she was well-qualified and working in the past, but had quit her job out of her own free will.

"The additional sessions judge has rightly declined the interim monetary relief to the woman by holding that she was well-educated lady, earning Rs 50,000 per month and had chosen not to work out of her own will though had the capacity to work and find a suitable job for herself," Justice Rani said.

The high court upheld the lower court's order which had declined her maintenance but had asked her husband to pay Rs 10,000 to take care of their child.

Advocate Tarun Goomber appearing for the man, opposed the woman's plea seeking maintenance for herself as well.

The Delhi-based woman told the court that she worked in a private insurance company as an assistant manager but had quit the job as the firm was shifting to Bangalore.

She contended that she did not move to Bangalore to comply with a lower court's order to allow her husband to visit the child.

Goomber, however, contended that she never approached any court to modify the order granting visitation rights to his client.

Opposing the plea for maintenance, he argued that with the passage of time the child is now in school-going age and "thus, it is more convenient for a working mother to be in the job than to sit at home."

Justice Rani dismissed the woman's plea referring to a Madhya Pradesh High Court judgement which said, "A spouse who is well qualified to get the service immediately with less efforts is not expected to remain idle to squeeze out, to milk out the other spouse by relieving him of his or her own purse by a cut in the nature of pendent lite alimony".

Woman quits job like a boss (VIDEO)

Maria Shifrin would make country singer Johnny Paycheck proud with her modern day equivalent to his 1977 classic “Take This Job and Shove It!” which was about a man working a thankless job for 15-years at the cost of his woman. The song’s character just can’t get the courage to actually quit.

In the video description, Shifrin writes:

“I believe it’s more important to focus on the quality of the content…Here is a little video I made explaining my feelings.”

The video has been viewed over 1.3 million times since it was posted over the weekend.

In the case of Shifrin, she more than had the courage to quit; she had the courage to do it spectacularly. She went back to her employer at 4:30AM and put together a video. Shifrin’s job was to produce video content at an animation company. However, after two thankless years of service which came at the expense of her love life and quality of life, she put together a video that ironically achieved the “quantity” her employer demanded along with the “quality” she long sought.

“I dropped everything for work,” Shifrin explains in a blog post titled Journalism is Dead (To Me). “I spent hours in the office perfecting my headlines, my voiceovers, my stories.” Her boss instructed her to “make deadlines, not art,” and Shifrin decided to quit, with Yeezy by her side.

The video is her formal resignation. Shifrin chose as song by Kanye West as the background to her dance throughout the work place. In addition, Shifrin’s video posted an explanation of her reasons for quitting in what is perhaps the most novel exit interview in the annals of HR. The video has gone viral. Hopefully, another employer out there will see the value that Shifrin’s former employer ignored.

“Well, point proven. Thank you to everyone. Sometimes the little ones do win,” Shifrin said in a tweet from her personal account Monday night.

Shifrin joins a growing list of high-profile job mic drops, including Groupon founder Andrew Mason’s “Just kidding, I was fired today” letter; the “I’m leaving this job to make cakes” cake; an agency staffer’s “F this job” post on a client tourism page; and the programmer who created an I QUIT Super Mario video game.

Woman Quits Her Job in Spectacular Late-Night Dance Video Set to Kanye West

check out her video below.

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One woman's special message informing her boss why she was leaving.

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U. S. President Barack Obama arrives at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland from the G20 meeting in Australia. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

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Woman quits job, wins Lotto

Woman quits job, wins Lotto - The West Australian

Woman quits job, wins Lotto

Bunbury's mystery Lotto winner has been revealed, with 49-year-old Jean Brown coming forward to claim just under half a million dollars.

The Bunbury resident must have had the luck of her native home of Ireland on her side when she bought a slikpik ticket for the May 4 Lotto.

Mrs Brown said she would spend the money on paying off the rest of her mortgage, spoiling her children and taking herself and her husband on a holiday.

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