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Woman eaten by vultures video

Woman Eaten By Vultures: Shocking Details Of Gruesome Death In French Pyrenees; What Happened In The Mountains? [VIDEO & REPORT]

Woman Eaten By Vultures: What happened? (Image: Reuters)

A woman was eaten by vultures in France on April 14, 2013 when she fell off of a cliff. According to France's TF1, the unidentified 52-year-old woman was hiking with two of her friends in the French Pyrenees when she fell off of a cliff more than 980 feet to hear death. The woman was subsequently eaten by vultures in only 45 minutes before rescue workers could reach the body .

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"There were only bones, clothes, and shoes left on the ground. [The vultures] took 45 to 50 minutes to eat the body," according to gendarmerie Major Didier Pericou as told to The Times of London . "When we first went out in the helicopter looking for the body, we saw numerous vultures without realizing what they were doing."

The woman eaten by vultures was on Pic de la Pista, in southern France. She was found eaten when rescue workers got there, however, the vultures were not the cause of her death. "It is established that she died in the fall," said Pericou." At the time of the fall, the woman was taking a shortcut while walking with her two companions.

There may be a legitimate reason why the vultures were so eager to eat the woman. Farmers in the area are already seeking permission to shoot the griffon vultures ; however, they enjoy "protected species" status. The Times recognizes that this incident may re-ignite the farmers' protests. There is a ban on shooting the vultures, and farmers are required by European law to bury their dead animals. This has led to a sharp increase in the vulture population - and they have a lack of food .

Therefore, the farmers' livestock is being threatened. Local authorities have received 42 claims for compensation for animals lost to vultures, according to Metro . Alain Larraide, who owns a farm in the area, even claims that he has seen vultures carry off his animals . "You can't imagine what it's like to see an animal eaten alive," he said.

Scientific research in addition to the woman being eaten by vultures backs up these claims. A 2011 report published in Nature (a science journal) said that the griffon vulture had turned from scavenger to predator in regions of southern France and Spain (where the woman was eaten.) There were a reported, 1,165 reports of the vultures killing domestic livestock between 2006 and 2010.

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A woman eaten by vultures was discovered in France. (Photo: Creative Commons)

A woman eaten by vultures was retrieved 1000 feet below the cliff sides of the Pyrenees hiking trail in France. Unfortunately, rescue workers could not get to the body as quickly as the vultures. Shocked locals discovered that the remains of an unidentified 52-year-old woman were devoured by the voracious birds in a matter of minutes.

"There were only bones, clothes and shoes left," local gendarmerie Major Didier Pericou told the Times. "They took 45 to 50 minutes to eat the body."

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First responders noticed the vultures circling the area over the location the hiker had fallen to. However, the rescue team did not expect the carcass to be consumed so quickly and completely.

European health and safety regulations have enforced French farmers of the region to avoid leaving out dead animal carcasses in the open. Farmers must burn any animal carcass. When vultures dine on dead animals, the risk of the spread of disease dramatically increases.

However, the aggressive efforts to prevent vultures from eating carcasses have caused vulture flocks to grow increasing bold. In fact, reports have claimed that vultures are attacking live animals.

Farmer Alain Larralde reported seeing a group of vultures attack and start eating an adult cow.

"You can't imagine what it is like to see an animal eaten alive," said Larralde .

A protected species, farmers are prohibited from killing the birds to solve the problem.

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Опубликовано: 7 мая 2013 г.

The body of a woman who died after falling off a cliff in France was devoured by vultures in just 45 minutes, before rescue workers were able to reach the body.

The 52-year-old woman was hiking with two friends in the French Pyrenees on April 14 when she fell off a cliff and plunged more than 980 feet to her death, according to France's TF1. The woman's body was eaten by vultures in minutes.

"There were only bones, clothes and shoes left on the ground," Major Didier Pericou told The Times of London. "They took 45 to 50 minutes to eat the body." Adding, "When we first went out in the helicopter looking for the body, we saw numerous vultures without realizing what they were doing."

The Times notes this incident may ignite the cries of area farmers who want permission to shoot the griffon vultures, a protected species. Farmers claim the ban has led to a swell in the vulture population and their livestock is being threatened. The birds have been deprived of animal carcasses due to a European law that requires farmers to burn the bodies of dead animals.

Approximately 42 claims have been been made to local authorities for compensation for animals lost to vultures, according to Metro. Farmer Alain Larraide claimed he has seen vultures carry off live animals.

"You can't imagine what it is like to see an animal eaten alive," he said.

Tourist, 52, plunges 1,000ft to her death in the Pyrenees and is then devoured by VULTURES before rescuers can reach her

Carrion-eaters swooped on the woman after she fell from the Pic de Pista

Only bones, clothes and shoes were left, local police reported

Fear of the protected birds is growing and farmers want right to shoot them

EC ruling means their traditional prey, dead livestock, must now be burned

Published: 16:34 GMT, 5 May 2013 | Updated: 07:00 GMT, 7 May 2013



The body of a 52-year-old woman who fell to her death in the Pyrenees was devoured by Griffon vultures before emergency services were able to retrieve it.

Furious locals are demanding that authorities take action against the endangered carrion-eaters after they left only the woman's bones, clothes and shoes for burial.

Fear of the birds has been growing in recent years, which have reportedly also begun attacking live animals since a European edict that dead livestock must not be left in the fields.

Protected: A Griffon vulture in flight. The body of a 52-year-old woman who fell 1,000ft to her death in the Pyrenees was devoured by the carrion eaters before emergency services were able to retrieve it

Farmers want to be given the right to shoot the protected birds, which they say have started to prey on live sheep and cows.

The campaign is gathering pace after the latest incident, in which a woman slipped and fell down a 1,000ft slope on the Pic de Pista after taking a short cut while walking with two friends.

Major Didier Pericou of the gendarmerie told The Times that they believed the woman died in the fall, but added that there was little left of her by the time a search party found her body.

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