Tuesday 26 August 2014

Woman 69 babies

The woman who gave birth to 69 babies ?

Posted by Lucy Ann VanStone

It was long. long. ago and it’s true this woman whos name is unknown but the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b 1707 - d 1782 ) she gave birth to 69 babies. not one at a time. but in multiple births. she had to be EXHAUSTED in all her living days ,

The greatest recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev (Russia). In 27 pregnancies between 1725 and 1765 she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets. Only two of the children failed to survive their infancy. The mother also holds the records for giving birth to the most sets of twins and the most sets of quadruplets.

In this time of ERA. The 1700’s there was not any plumbing. electricity, they lived off the land and stayed at home .

The sad part of it all is that the woman whos name is not known. Is nowhere to be found. I would really like to know What she named her children. and how they grew up. but records show there is really no info on any of that

According to Quadruplets and Higher Multiple Births . a review of medical histories conducted in 1952 showed that most quadruplets were delivered between 32 and 36 weeks, with many delivered earlier.

Without intensive care, many of these babies could not survive. Are we to believe that Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev beat the odds 11 times, delivering 7 sets of live triplets and 4 sets of live quadruplets in a century when advanced neonatal care did not exist? And that the babies not only survived but she did, overcoming the risks of delivering such babies?

Still the skeptic in me can’t help but observe that Mr. Feodor Vassilyev was apparently married twice, co-producing 87 children, every child among them a multiple. Yes, that’s right after the first Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev allegedly defied the odds by giving birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets, the second Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev followed suit with 6 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets. Isn’t that just a little too much to believe?

We’ll like they say history is what it is and if you know more tell it ………….

Клиника ЭКО «АльтраВита»

Врачи клиники

О нас в прессе


Клиника репродукции АльтраВита – клиника ЭКО нового поколения, сертифицирована по международной системе качества ISO и работает согласно мировым стандартам качества доказательной медицины, принятыми в странах Западной Европы и США и утвержденными Европейским Обществом Репродукции Человека и Эмбриологии (ESHRE) и Американским Обществом Репродуктивной Медицины (ASRM).

Неотъемлемой составляющей клиники репродукции АльтраВита является забота о Вашем здоровье.

Одна из основных проблем семейной пары может быть связана с бесплодием. К сожалению, популярность этой проблемы растет с каждым годом. АльтраВита – центр лечения бесплодия в Москве, объединяющий профессионалов, способных оказать высококвалифицированную помощь в области вспомогательной репродукции.

Специалисты высшего класса, индивидуальный подход, новейшее оборудование, стремление к прогрессу и эффективности лечения – вот основа заботы о пациентах при лечении бесплодия .

Почему выбирают клинику ЭКО «АльтраВита»!?

Одним из главных достоинств клиники ЭКО АльтраВита, Москва – высокий уровень эмбриологической лаборатории, оснащенной новейшим оборудованием ведущих мировых производителей. В лаборатории используются самые лучшие в мире расходные материалы и среды для культивирования эмбрионов. Часть оборудования является уникальными авторскими разработками клиники, запатентованными в США.

Залогом высокой удовлетворенности наших пациентов является подробное обсуждение планируемого обследования и лечения, обоснование выбора того или иного лечебного метода.

Уже более 12 лет клиника ЭКО АльтраВита осуществляет заветную мечту людей - иметь ребенка. И достигла серьезных успехов в области репродукции человека. Эффективность наступления беременности в центре лечения бесплодия АльтраВита после первой попытки ЭКО у женщин моложе 38 лет составляет 56%. После двух циклов ЭКО шансы забеременеть повышаются до 81%, после трех – до 92%. Эти показатели эффективности лечения находятся на уровне ведущих клиник ЭКО в мире.

При не наступлении беременности после процедуры ЭКО, в клинике Альтравита, Москва проводится БЕСПЛАТНАЯ КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЯ совместно с лечащим врачом репродуктологом и эмбриологом для выявления причин неудачных ЭКО, в том числе проведенных в других клиниках.

Программы экстракорпорального оплодотворения

Программа «ЭКО с гарантией» клиники Альтравита была разработана для того, чтобы помочь пациентам с ограниченными финансовыми возможностями снизить финансовый риск неудачной процедуры ЭКО и спланировать свои расходы на лечение.

В программу включены следующие услуги стимуляция, пункция яичников, ИКСИ или ИМСИ, перенос эмбрионов и др.

Пациенту, отвечающему всем обязательным предварительным требованиям. клиника может провести программу за фиксированную сумму.


My sister got two gerbils for her birthday, and the pet shop clerk insisted they were of the same gender.

36 babies later.

In the meantime, I rescued an alley cat. He was very friendly towards me, but would never leave my room. Or so I thought. One night, I heard some scuffling and discovered my Jigs had sorted out how to open the gerbil hutch and was snacking away.

I left him to his business. Within a few days, the baby boom was a bust and my cat was Mr. Happy for weeks.

The Record for the Most Babies Born to One Woman is 69

Daven Hiskey 60

Today I found out that the record for most babies born to one woman is 69. Yes, you read that correctly 69!

Who was this amazing woman with apparently a womb of steel and a vagina her husband just couldn’t say no too? We don’t really know. (anti-climactic I know) Her husband is the one whose name has lived on because of her crazy baby making skills. (Feminists of the world unite!) She was the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev, a peasant from Shuya, Russia who lived from 1707-1782. We can only speculate how many fire safety ordinances he violated by housing all his progeny in his little peasant sized hovel. Presumably, at some point they also had to choose to feed on the weak ones in order to provide food for the strong.

How did she manage this feat given most women only have about 30-ish years of baby making ability? She gave birth to sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets; so basically a veritable baby making factory who scoffs at “one at a timing” it. Amazingly, 67 of her children survived infancy, which was a remarkable rate for the day. No word on whether either of her breasts could say the same.

Now, let’s just take a step back here. She was the “first wife” of Feodor Vassilyev. Seeming to imply he married again. (Polygamy was not generally practiced at that time in Russia; so we can assume he was only married to one lady at a time.) So this guy goes out; shuns wearing tighty whities (presumably); gets married; invests all his money in a baby naming book; then apparently takes every second his wife isn’t pregnant as a personal affront to his manhood; then she presumably kills herself (I mean really, wouldn’t you?) and he then somehow manages to swindle another woman into wanting to be his wife and take on raising his clan? Can you imagine remembering all 67 of their names? Especially considering that woman would also need to deal with the fact that many of them came in identical sets. I don’t know about you, but my parents have to go through every one of my siblings names before they can correctly say mine when they want to get my attention. That must have taken forever in that family.

Then, of course, after old Feodor Vassilyev swindles her into becoming his second wife, he presumably decided to use her vagina as a clown car too. *shudders*

The really amazing thing of it is that with the 67 surviving kids, if each of them had 2 kids (a low number for back then, but we’ll be conservative here) and each of their kids had 2 kids and so on, and we assume about 25-ish years between generations. Then this couple currently has around 70,000 descendants!

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Pregnancy is the common name for gestation in humans. It is the development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus. in the uterus. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one embryo or fetus in a single pregnancy, such as with twins .

Childbirth usually occurs about 38 weeks after conception. In women who have a menstrual cycle length of four weeks, this is approximately 40 weeks from the start of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP). Health authorities recommend that women not artificially begin delivery with labor induction or caesarean section before 39 weeks as this amount of time is considered "full term" for the child to develop. Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. Conception can be achieved through sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology .

An embryo is the developing offspring during the first 8 weeks following conception, and subsequently the term fetus is used until birth. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] In many societies' medical or legal definitions, human pregnancy is somewhat arbitrarily divided into three trimester periods of three months each, as a means to simplify reference to the different stages of prenatal development. The first trimester carries the highest risk of miscarriage (natural death of embryo or fetus). During the second trimester, the development of the fetus can be more easily monitored and diagnosed. The third trimester is marked by further growth of the fetus and the development of fetal fat stores. [ 3 ] The point of fetal viability. or the point in time at which fetal life outside of the uterus is possible, usually coincides with the late second or early third trimesters; babies born at this early point in development are at high risk for having medical conditions and dying. [ 4 ]

In the United States and United Kingdom, 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. and between a quarter and half of those unplanned pregnancies were unwanted pregnancies. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] Of those unintended pregnancies that occurred in the US, 60% of the women used birth control to some extent during the month pregnancy occurred. [ 7 ]

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