Thursday 28 August 2014

Woman born with 3 breast

Компания «БИ2АП» является эксклюзивным представителем в России и странах СНГ японской компании “B2UP Co Ltd.” . выпускающей линию натуральных продуктов для женщин премиум класса Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (Grace Pueraria B2UP) .

Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (Grace Pueraria B2UP) - это биологически активные добавки к пище и гель для груди, которые изготовлены только из натуральных природных компонентов. Они способствуют росту, увеличению упругости и приданию формы груди, а также оздоровлению и омолаживанию женского организма, стимулируют процессы регенерации клеток, снимают усталость, улучшают цвет лица, структуру кожи и волос, разглаживают морщины. ЗДЕСЬ Вы можете скачать видеопрезентацию Линии натуральных продуктов для увеличения груди Би2АП (B2UP)

Основным компонентом продукции Би2АП (B2UP) является экстракт клубня растения Пуэрария Мирифика (Pueraria Mirifica). Растение Пуэрария Мирифика (Pueraria Mirifica) . известное также под названием «Белая Квао Круа» (White Kwao Krua) – это вид растения, произрастающего в тропических лесах на севере Таиланда и в Мьянме (Бирме).

Известно, что клубень Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica) используется в пищу коренными народностями в качестве средства омоложения с древнейших времен, и по-прежнему применяется в качестве средства традиционной медицины как источник здоровья и красоты.

Клубни растения содержат ряд веществ называемых фитоэстрогенами, включая мироэстрол (miroestrol), и диоксимироэстрол (deoxymiroestrol). Эти природные соединения оказывают такое же воздействие на женский организм, как эстроген, который по своей структуре очень близок к эстрадиолу, содержащемуся в человеческом организме, и отвечающему за рост тканей молочной железы.

По словам японских производителей, именно воздействие этих веществ в сочетании с воздействием фитоэстрогенного компонента из общего количества изофлавонов - пуэрарина, обусловливает эффект, увеличения роста, придания форм и упругости груди.

В ходе проведенных университетом Чулалонгкорн в Таиланде клинических испытаний было обнаружено, что применение препаратов изготовленных на основе клубня Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica) . позволяет увеличить размер груди до 80%. Дальнейшие испытания, проводившиеся в Англии, подтвердили, что вещества, содержащиеся в растении, также оказывают благотворное воздействие на кожу, волосы и на улучшение общего состояния здоровья женщин.

Линия натуральных продуктов Би2АП (B2UP) из Японии вызвала огромный резонанс в средствах массовой информации. Появилось огромное количество статей и заметок, как в японских, так и в западных научных и популярных женских журналах. Сразу после появления на рынке линейки продуктов Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (GracePueraria B2UP) они стали очень популярны в Японии, США, Тайване, Австралии, Швейцарии, Великобритании, Германии, Франции и других странах. По данным статистики, всего за 2005 год было продано более 3 миллионов единиц продукции Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (GracePueraria B2UP). Объем продаж может говорить о доверии покупателей к линии натуральных продуктов Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (GracePuerariaB2UP) иподтверждении потребителями заявленных производителем свойств.

BBCNews также отметило необыкновенные свойства продуктов Би2АП (B2UP). Было высказано мнение о том, что инновационный состав на основе экстракта Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica) содержащийся в жевательной резинке Би2АП (B2UP Bodymakegum) произведет фурор на рынке биологически активных добавок для увеличения размера груди (См. полную версию этой статьи и другие статьи о линии натуральных продуктов в разделе "СМИ о Би2АП" ).

Мы предлагаем Вам следующие продукты из серии Грэйс Пуэрария Би2АП (GracePueraria B2UP) :

1. НОВИНКА. БИ2АП Косметический гель для груди (B2UP B Gel nano) на основе экстракта Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica) изготовлен на основе нанотехнологий.

2. Би2АП Пур100 для увеличения груди (B2UPPure100). Капсулы со 100% стерилизованным порошком Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica).

3. Би2АП Роуз Хип Альфа капсулы (B2UP Rose Hip Alfa) - для восстановления объема и улучшения формы женской груди. 100% стерилизованный порошок Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica), порошок плодов горного чилийского шиповника, изофлавоны сои, гиалуроновая кислота.

4. Би2АП 35 (B2UP 35). Таблетки для женщин после 30 лет с экстрактом Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica) и коферментом-Q10. Содержит витамин E и C.

5. Би2АП Гель для увеличения груди (B2UP Gel) на основе экстракта Пуэрарии Мирифики (Pueraria Mirifica).

6. Би2АП жевательная резинка для увеличения груди (B2UP Body Make Gum) с высоким содержанием Пуэрарии Мирифики (PuerariaMirifica) и вкусом красной розы.

9. БИ2АП Натуральный напиток/ B2UP Natural Drink

Is the woman with 3 breasts a fake?

Is the woman with 3 breasts a fake?

UPDATE: 9/23/4:20 p. m. – More information has come to light suggesting the woman who claims to have three breast is fake.

According to TMZ. a document from the Tampa International Airport Police Department shows someone stole luggage off an American Airlines conveyer belt; one of the bags belonged to Tridevil, according to the document.

The document says police found a ’3 breast prosthesis’ inside the bag.

The document is reportedly signed by Alisha Hessler, which is said to be Jasmine’s real name.

UPDATED 9/23/2014 10:50 A. M.

New developments in the story that lit up the internet about a woman who surgically added a third breast.

The bizarre tale went of 21-year-old “Jasmine Tridevil” went viral.

She says she paid $20,000 to have the procedure, but myth buster website Snopes. com says it’s a hoax.

Here’s what the site says:

It’s also worth noting that the JASMINETRIDEVIL. COM domain was registered by someone named Alisha Hessler, and Jasmine Tridevil herself bears a striking likeness to Tampa-area massage therapist Alisha Jasmine Hessler (whose “Alisha’s Golden Touch” massage web site now bears legends identifying her as “Provider of internet hoaxes since 2014″ and “Specialist in massage for three breasted women”). Photos on a modeling page linked with Hessler closely matched the circulating images of Jasmine Tridevil, and profile pictures on Hessler’s YouTube page strongly resembled the woman in the “third breast” photos.

Doctors quoted by the Daily Dot are also weighing in:

“[I] believe 100% that this is a hoax that everyone is falling for,” Dr. Matthew Schulman M. D. a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City who has performed thousands of breast augmentation and restruction surgeries, told the Daily Dot in an e-mail.

However, Tridevil insists that the procedure is real.

She told a Tampa TV station that it will be revealed on her new show.

TAMPA, Fla. – A Florida woman says she underwent surgery to add a third breast to her chest.

21-year-old “Jasmine Tridevil” told Real Radio 104.1 that she has a desire for fame and fortune, but she also hopes the third breast will make her unattractive to men because she is no longer interested in dating.

She also told the radio show that she really wants to have her own reality show on MTV and she believes this is the best way to reach that goal.

The woman says spent two years saving up for the controversial $20,000 procedure.

“It was really hard finding someone that would do it too because they’re breaking the code of ethics,” she said.

Jasmine says she contacted more than 50 doctors before she found one who would perform the surgery.

— Jasmine Tridevil (@JasmineTridevil) September 15, 2014

Breast Cancer Risk in American Women

Key Points

Based on current breast cancer incidence rates, experts estimate that about one out of every eight women born today will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time during her life.

The strongest risk factor for breast cancer is age. A woman’s risk of developing this disease increases as she gets older.

Other factors can also increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer, including inherited changes in certain genes, a personal or family history of breast cancer, having dense breasts, beginning to menstruate before age 12, starting menopause after age 55, having a first full-term pregnancy after age 30, never having been pregnant, obesity after menopause, and alcohol use.

What is the average American woman’s risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime?

Based on current incidence rates, 12.4 percent of women born in the United States today will develop breast cancer at some time during their lives (1 ). This estimate, from the most recent SEER Cancer Statistics Review (a report published annually by the National Cancer Institute’s [NCI] Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results [SEER] Program), is based on breast cancer statistics for the years 2007 through 2009.

This estimate means that, if the current incidence rate stays the same, a woman born today has about a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time during her life. On the other hand, the chance that she will never have breast cancer is 87.6 percent, or about 7 in 8.

In the 1970s, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States was just under 10 percent (or about 1 in 10).

The last five annual SEER reports show the following estimates of lifetime risk of breast cancer, all very close to a lifetime risk of 1 in 8:

12.7 percent for 2001 through 2003

12.3 percent for 2002 through 2004

12.0 percent for 2003 through 2005

12.1 percent for 2004 through 2006

12.4 percent for 2005 through 2007

SEER statisticians expect some variability from year to year. Slight changes, such as the ones observed over the last 5 years, may be explained by a variety of factors, including minor changes in risk factor levels in the population, slight changes in breast cancer screening rates, or just random variability inherent in the data.

What is the average American woman’s risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer at different ages?

Many women are more interested in the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer at specific ages or over specific time periods than in the risk of being diagnosed at some point during their lifetime. Estimates by decade of life are also less affected by changes in incidence and mortality rates than longer-term estimates. The SEER report estimates the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-year age intervals (1 ). According to the current report, the risk that a woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer during the next 10 years, starting at the following ages, is as follows:

Age 30. 0.44 percent (or 1 in 227)

Age 40. 1.47 percent (or 1 in 68)

Age 50. 2.38 percent (or 1 in 42)

Age 60. 3.56 percent (or 1 in 28)

Age 70. 3.82 percent (or 1 in 26)

These probabilities are averages for the whole population. An individual woman’s breast cancer risk may be higher or lower depending on a number of known factors (see Question 3) and on factors that are not yet fully understood. To calculate an individual woman’s estimated risk, health professionals can use the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool .

For more information about risk of breast cancer at specific ages and for specific time periods, see Table 4.18 in the SEER report.

What factors increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer?

The strongest risk factor for breast cancer is age. A woman’s risk of developing this disease increases as she gets older. The risk of breast cancer, however, is not the same for all women in a given age group. Research has shown that women with the following risk factors have an increased chance of developing breast cancer.

Genetic alterations (changes) . Inherited changes in certain genes (including BRCA1 . BRCA2 . and others) increase the risk of breast cancer. These changes are estimated to account for no more than about 10 percent of all breast cancers. However, women who carry changes in these genes have a much higher risk of breast cancer than women who do not carry these changes.

Mammographic breast density . The glandular (milk-producing) and connective tissue of the breast are mammographically dense—that is, they appear white on a mammogram. In contrast, fatty tissue of the breast is not mammographically dense and appears dark. Women who have a high percentage of breast tissue that appears dense on a mammogram have a higher risk of breast cancer than women of similar age who have little or no dense breast tissue. In general, younger women have denser breasts than older women. As a woman ages, the amount of glandular tissue normally decreases and the amount of fatty tissue increases. Abnormalities, such as tumors, in dense breasts can be more difficult to detect on a mammogram because tumors often also appear white.

Family history . A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer increases if her mother, sister, and/or daughter have been diagnosed with the disease, especially if they were diagnosed before age 50. Having a close male blood relative with breast cancer also increases a woman's risk of developing the disease.

Personal history of breast cancer . Women who have had breast cancer are more likely to develop a second breast cancer.

Certain breast changes found on biopsy . Looking at breast tissue under a microscope allows doctors to determine whether a suspicious finding (one detected by a mammogram, for example) represents cancer or another type of breast change. Most breast changes turn out not to be cancer, but some may increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Changes that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer include atypical hyperplasia (a noncancerous condition in which cells have abnormal features and are increased in number), lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) (abnormal cells are found in the lobules of the breast), and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS; abnormal cells are found in the lining of breast ducts). Because some cases of DCIS will eventually become cancer, this type of breast change is actively treated. Women with atypical hyperplasia or LCIS are usually monitored carefully and not actively treated. In addition, women who have had two or more breast biopsies for other noncancerous conditions also have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. This increased risk is due to the conditions that led to the biopsies and not to the biopsy procedures themselves.

Radiation therapy . Women who had radiation therapy to the chest (including the breasts) before age 30 have an increased risk of developing breast cancer throughout their lives. This includes women treated for Hodgkin lymphoma. Studies show that the younger a woman was when she received treatment, the higher her risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

Alcohol . Studies indicate that the more alcohol a woman drinks, the greater her risk of breast cancer.

Reproductive and menstrual history . Women who had their first menstrual period before age 12 or who went through menopause after age 55 have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Women who had their first full-term pregnancy after age 30 or who have never had a full-term pregnancy are also at increased risk of breast cancer.

Long-term use of menopausal hormone therapy . Women who used combined estrogen and progestin menopausal hormone therapy for more than 5 years have an increased chance of developing breast cancer.

DES (diethylstilbestrol) . The drug DES was given to some pregnant women in the United States between 1940 and 1971 to prevent miscarriage. Women who took DES during pregnancy have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. Women who were exposed to DES in utero—that is, whose mothers took DES while they were pregnant—may have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer after age 40.

Body weight . Studies have found that among postmenopausal women who have not used menopausal hormone therapy, the chance of getting breast cancer is higher in women who are overweight or obese than in women of a healthy weight.

Physical activity level . Women who are physically inactive throughout life may have an increased risk of breast cancer.

Race . In the United States, breast cancer is diagnosed more often in white women than in African American/black, Hispanic/Latina, Asian/Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaska Native women.

Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, et. al. (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975–2009 (Vintage 2009 Populations) . National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD, 2012. Retrieved September 7, 2012.


отправлено 2 года назад , изменено * автор PcolaQuaker

извините, но пост отправлен в архив и за него больше нельзя голосовать

I am a 24 year old woman who was born with pretty mild Poland's Syndrome. I am completely missing my left pectoralis major and part of my latissimus dorsi and have never grown a left breast at all. Over my life there has been a lot of questions I've been asked about it (usually can I touch it) and since I've met many people who have this problem but are too ashamed to ask about it, I'm hoping this may help someone.

I do have three children and several other (unrelated) health problems and I'm pretty open about this issue. Although I currently do have "two" breasts one is 100% real, the other is 100% silicon. As my husband says, "The best of both worlds."

(And this is my first post ever, so if I'm doing anything wrong, I apologize. Also, I do anticipate "proof" photo questions and don't mind some of me in a shirt, but for any other ones of me IRL I would need to ask my husband's permission before I do.)

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