Wednesday 27 August 2014

Woman in black trailer

by Matt Goldberg Posted 3 years, 87 days ago

The first trailer for The Woman in Black has gone online. The movie stars Daniel Radcliffe as a young lawyer who travels to a remote village where he discovers the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorizing the locals. As we’ve seen from the images released for the movie and now this new trailer, it looks like director James Watkins has done an excellent job saturating the film with a great gothic horror vibe. The trailer also does a solid job of playing up the haunted house element of the plot. My only complaint is that I wish we could hear Radcliffe say a couple lines so we could get a better sense of his performance.

Hit the jump to check out the trailer. The film also stars Ciaran Hinds, Janet McTeer, Liz White, and Alisa Khazanova. The Woman in Black opens February 3, 2012.


Well, that surprised me! Looks creepy and very well made! Radcliff looks good in this too, I’m glad to see the actor free of his Potter chains.

Still, looks like a good creepy flick, and one that I almost didnt even bother watching this trailer for. Glad i clicked play.

User Reviews

One of my favorite horror theater experiences

I am vividly aware, as are most avid moviegoers, of the horror movie machine. It churns out Final Destinations, exorcism films, and at an even higher frequency, ghost films. At first glance, The Woman in Black appears to be yet another of these "ghost films," where cheap scares, predictable plot "twists," and horrible acting drag the viewer down into an hour-and-a-half maelstrom of mediocrity that can only end at the appearance of "Directed by. "

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