Friday 29 August 2014

Women tattoos

Tattoos for Women

Tattoos are no longer reserved for bikers, soldiers and other tough guys; in fact, tattoos for women are becoming just as much the norm as tattoos on men. They don't just grace the bodies of celebrities, either; today many everyday women, from professionals to stay-at-home moms, are getting tattoos.

History of Women and Tattoos

One of the first famous tattooed women was Betty Broadbent. Starting in around 1927, she began an illustrious career with Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus. Betty was one of the first women ever to have a full body tattoo, and also one of the first to be tattooed by the "new" electric tattoo machine. Her full body tattoo was done by a New York artist named Charlie Wagner, and after getting tats all over her body, she displayed them in the circus side shows, earning quite a bit of money (and reputation). Eventually, Betty became a tattoo artist herself and worked at the job until her retirement in 1967.

Many other tattooed ladies helped make tattoos for women more popular. While most females who had a lot of body art stayed in the circus arenas, others broke out into modeling and other entertainment avenues.

Heart Tattoos for Women

The types of tattoos that women choose to get are as diverse as women themselves. One famous tattoo that has been reproduced many times on the bodies of women is a small heart tattoo that was first inked on Janis Joplin. Just before her death, Joplin got this heart inked over her left breast, completed by famous tattoo artist Lyle Tuttle. In the year after her death in 1970, Tuttle estimated that he completed over 100 copies of this famous heart.

Hearts make a great statement for many women, who want to have something permanent to remind them of a person they love. Some choose to get these tattoos with a name inked in a banner across them, in order to memorialize or pay tribute to an important love. Others just like the beauty of a heart tattoo. Of course, there are many other images that are seen as "women's tattoos" besides a heart.

Feminine Tattoos

Many tattoo enthusiasts also see flowers as tattoos for women, although the first floral tattoos were inked on men. Butterflies, fairies, dragonflies and other delicate images are also primarily tattooed on women. Other women eschew the idea of a female tat, and decide to get tattoos that would usually be seen on men. These include tats of skulls, snakes, dragons, daggers and various other images that are usually seen as male.

Another type of tattoo that is often seen on a woman is a male-oriented tattoo that has been given a bit of a female flare. Some women may choose to get a dragon tattoo, for example, but have it colored in such a way that it is unmistakably female. Other examples are flames (colored purple and pink instead of the traditional red and yellow) and skulls that have flowers intertwined in the design.

Female Tattoo Placement

While women have been tattooed all over their bodies, there is no denying that there are a few areas that tend to be more popular and frequently inked than others. These include:

The lower back. This uniquely female tattoo site is perfect for showing off in a pair of low rise jeans, because this area of the back rarely stretches as you age. Keep in mind that it is a frequently inked spot with a less-than-appealing nickname; sometimes it is referred to as a "tramp stamp ."

The ankle: Getting an anklet tattooed just above the foot is a delicate way to add some sensuality to the tattoo spot. Men rarely get tattoos that are confined solely to this area, making it a distinctly female spot.

The back of the neck: Women with longer hair may find the back of the neck to be an attractive place to get inked. The tattoo is easily hidden when your hair is down, and shown off in seconds when the hair is pulled up. Keep in mind that if you get inked here and decide to sport shorter hair, you will miss the ability to cover the tat easily.

Upper back and shoulders: The upper back gives a lot of easily concealed canvas for women who want a larger tattoo that doesn't come with the "tramp stamp" label. Using both shoulders also adds some symmetry to the design.

Finding Womanly Tats

There is a wealth of information and examples on the Internet of women's tats. Places to get more ideas include the following:

If you are leaning towards a floral design, check out BMEzine's floral tattoo section. If you are more interested in something large and intricate, a fairy might be just the image you are looking for.

This gallery at TattooFinder has a number of examples.

Finally, if you'd like to get that ubiquitous heart tattoo, check out some great heart tattoos on Evil Tattoo .

Remember, the tattoo you choose should mean something to you - and not just be what society dictates as a "woman's" tattoo. Pick an image that's important to your life.

Women Tattoos

Tattoos are a passionate topic today. People get tattoos for many reasons. Millions of variations have been applied and continue to be fashioned.

But tattoos are not a new obsession. The history of tattoos is a novel, not a short story, and they have been here for a long time.

This site is dedicated only to women tattos.

The popularity of women tattoos is growing at an unprecedented rate. Over the past ten-twenty years, the number of women lining up at doors of tattoo studios has rocketed.

But tattoos haven’t always been popular among women. These days, things are completely different.

The traditional stereotypes and stigmas that surrounded tattoos have been swept away. Last research show that women are now responsible for 65% of all tattoos.

Women and Tattoos

The whole field of tattoos for women is growing at a tremendous rate. If you think back even 20 years ago tattoos for women were not all that popular and most of the women getting them were keeping them covered up. However times have definitely changed and tattoo designs have really advanced at a tremendous rate. Today's tattoo have more brilliant colors and are a far cry from your grandfathers Hawaiian girl tattoo on his forearm.

It used to be that women would get an occasional rose or name tattoos on their breast or some well hidden spot. However with current fashion trends there are tons of cute tattoo designs for women out there are women are now getting tattoos at an amazing rate.

Women's tattoo designs and placement have also changed with this new growth. No longer are women getting simple tattoos that they keep well hidden. Women are now getting cute tattoo designs done and placing them in more visible places.

Some of the most popular items to get tattoos of are:

1. Shooting Star Tattoos

Временное тату — модный тренд!

Временное тату — модный тренд среди молодежи и знаменитостей, а также людей среднего возраста. Это прекрасная альтернатива традиционным татуировкам. Ведь временные татуировки выглядят очень реалистично, но при этом не требуют постоянного изменения кожи.

Под термином «временное тату», чаще всего понимают рисунок на теле, нанесенный хной, краской, блестками, маркером, карандашом или простой шариковой ручкой. Временную татуировку можно сделать в домашних условиях при помощи специальных трафаретов.

Купить все необходимое для временного тату вы можете в интернет-магазине Toomix. ru

Другой вид временных тату — водонепроницаемые наклейки или переводные тату . которые при правильном уходе продержатся на коже около одной недели. При желании, вы без особых усилий можете изменить свой образ, удалив старую наклейку тату .

В интернет-магазине временных татуировок Toomix, вы можете купить переводные татуировки больших и маленьких размеров.

Цена временных тату намного ниже, чем обычных. Исключение составляют лимитированные серии переводных татуировок, выпускаемых такими модными брендами, как Chanel или Dior.

Если вы любите быть в центре внимания, интернет-магазин Toomix советует купить временные тату наклейки со стразами или тату рукава. Броские замысловатые принты станут логичным завершением вашего образа для тематической вечеринки или тусовки.

Будьте в тренде — носите временные татуировки!

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