Thursday 28 August 2014

Woman loses 222 pounds

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Aimee Smith lost 222 pounds in a remarkable weight loss. Now, Smith is training for a triathlon scheduled later this year. (Photo: YouTube)

Aimee Smith of Janesville, Wisconsin, took control of her life after she dedicated herself to lose more than 200 pounds. Now, she is even training for marathons.

Two years ago, Aimee Smith realized her weight was off the scale when the needle slammed to an indicated maximum of 300 pounds. In fact, Smith's actual weight was a staggering 427 pounds.

Aimee Smith recalled, "My knees hurt, my back hurt. I had high blood pressure. I was pre-diabetic. I was going down a bad path. I'm sure carrying around 400 pounds wasn't doing my health any favors."

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Many of us have made New Year's resolutions to lose weight and join a gym but it's safe to say that none of us were as committed to the cause as Aimee was. Determined, Aimee Smith not only performed gastric bypass surgery but also completely transformed her lifestyle into one devoted to healthy eating and exercise. In total she has lost 222 pounds.

Aimee now competes in triathlons and runs 10Ks. Currently, Aimee is training for a Wisconsin marathon scheduled for May. Eventually, Aimee aims to compete in the Iron Man triathlon as well.

Offering advice to individuals that are also struggling with their weight, Smith said, "You've got to change your relationship with food. Start thinking of it as fuel rather than a friend you can rush to whenever you're having an emotional problem."

Beyond food habits, Smith's new passion for sports sparked after she signed up for an ambitious "couch to 5k" exercise program and took it twice. What's more, Aimee even learned to swim just so that she could compete in triathlons. Despite finishing at the back of the pack, the thrill of finishing makes her come back for more. A happy spirit, Aimee completed her last 10K run in a tutu and a Santa hat.

While Aimee Smith's recovery is remarkable, experts stress that her formula is no secret. According to the National Weight Control Registry, 98 percent of successful "losers" completely overhauled their eating habits while 94 percent of the lot also increased their habit of exercising.

In addition, weight losers also heavily rely on the support of their friends and family. In Aimee Smith's case, she receives encouragement from her husband, kids, co-workers, as well as the new friends she's made from running.

Smith said, "These are serious athletes who stand on the podium at the end of a race. I expected them to be snobs. But it's been very eye-opening how compassionate they've been towards me. They love my determination and they go out of their way to let me know they're proud of me for not quitting."

To learn all about Aimee Smith's inspirational journey, be sure to watch the video below:

Woman Loses 222 Pounds: Aimee Smith Now Runs Marathons (PHOTO)

Woman Loses 222 Pounds Competes In Triathlon

Her name is Aimee Smith. She lives n Janesville, Wisconsin and is 44 years old. In just over 2 years she has lost 222 pounds and has begun competing in marathons and triathlons.

Smith is the first to admit that she knew her weight was out of control, but since her bathroom scale maxed out at 300 pounds she didn’t know exactly how bad it was. Her actual top weight was 427 pounds. She was in pretty rough shape. Walking and almost everything was difficult for her, since her knees and back were constantly hurting. Her blood pressure was out of control and she was well on her way to a life of diabetes.

“My knees hurt, my back hurt. I had high blood pressure. I was pre-diabetic. I was going down a bad path,” she tells ABC News. “I’m sure carrying around 400 pounds wasn’t doing my health any favors.”

Smith, 44, came to the realization that she needed to make some drastic changes. She decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery and make significant changes to her diet and lifestyle. Now she has lost nearly half of her body weight and has become very competitive. She enjoys entering races and triathlons and challenging herself.

“In high school I probably would have been voted least likely to do something athletic if there was such an award,” she says with a laugh. “I’ve lost so much weight that when I went back for my 25th reunion recently, no one recognized me. They thought my husband was the one who was in their class!”

As for others that are in serious need of losing weight, she urges them to go ahead and make the changes. Life is worth it. Reevaluate how you look at food. Don’t be afraid to try new things and make fruits and vegetables a big part of your daily diet.

“You’ve got to change your relationship with food. Start thinking of it as fuel rather than a friend you can rush to whenever you’re having an emotional problem,” she says.

“It’s not always helpful to look at the big picture,” she says. “Start small and if you can only do two steps at a time, do that and then do it again tomorrow. Progressively build on what you can.”

It takes one really strong spirit to not only lose that huge amount of weight but also to take part in a contest that has people typically swimming, cycling, and doing some long-distance running. What do you think of Smith’s inspiring journey of losing 222 pounds?

Woman Loses 222 Pounds, Becomes Triathlete

It’s a feat most might think impossible: A woman loses 222 pounds and goes on to become a competing triathlete. The story became a reality for Aimee Smith of Wisconsin after she decided to make some serious changes in her life.

While she was constantly aware that her size was an issue, Smith was shocked two years ago when she discovered that her actual weight had reached 427 pounds. The effects on her body were evident even if she hadn’t realized the level of obesity she was quickly heading toward.

Smith spoke to ABC News about the problems her weight was causing:

“My knees hurt, my back hurt. I had high blood pressure. I was pre-diabetic. I was going down a bad path. I’m sure carrying around 400 pounds wasn’t doing my health any favors.”

Aimee Smith saw the number facing her from the scale as a wake-up call. In the two years since that fateful day, she has undergone gastric bypass surgery and embarked on a complete overhaul of her lifestyle choices. Her bold endeavor resulted in the successful loss of 222 pounds.

According to KSDK News . the 44-year-old woman can now be found running marathons and competing in triathlons. Smith is currently training for a marathon to be held in Wisconsin this spring and she has aspirations of partaking in an Ironman competition. Calling herself a triathlete is a new experience, says Smith:

“There’s a group of us out there who have had weight loss surgery who are athletes now. I never felt comfortable saying that.”

What do you think of the inspiring journey of a woman losing 222 pounds to become a triathlete ?

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