Saturday 30 August 2014

Woman 70 looks 30

Ageless Woman? 70-Year Old Vegetarian Looks 30

Annette Larkins shows off her garden in her Miami-Dade County backyard. It's full of fruits and vegetables. Every corner of her garden has something that is edible. She also collects rainwater to drink and water her plants.

Annette says the food in her garden is her 'Fountain of Youth.'

"I am very vibrant, I have lots of energy, as I told you before, I am up no later than 5:30 in the morning as a rule, and I am ready to go," she said.

Annette says she does not eat animal products– her food is unprocessed and uncooked. "My diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds. I do a lot of sprouting of seeds and as you can see from my garden and of course these are the raw foods that I eat."

Annette also juices fruits and veggies. You name it, she can juice it. Grapefruits, pineapples, even spinach. But not everyone in the Larkins family eats and drinks this way.

This 70 Year Old Woman Looks 30 And Reveals Her Eating Secrets

This 70 Year Old Woman Looks 30 And Reveals Her Eating Secrets

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates

It is in this that Annette Larkins places faith in her health. And she is lovely proof that it works.

Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine. It is his oath that medical doctors recite when they become licensed to practice medicine.

He was a pioneer in the science of medicine, postulating that “the chief role of the physician was to aid the natural resistance of the body to overcome the metabolic imbalance and restore health and harmony to the organism”.

Mrs. Larkins’ mother, grandmother, and great aunts died very young of cancer and diabetes runs in her family. The cards were stacked against her. Living now in Miami-Dade County, Florida, she has been vegan since 1985.

Fountain of Youth

Growing her own organic fruits and vegetables, these are the only ingredients in her diet. Her outside garden consists of leafy greens, herbs, berries, and a banana tree. Inside, there are hydroponics for cucumbers, lettuces, and especially wheatgrass. Mrs. Larkins juices the grasses with other items from her garden and eats only raw foods.

The result: at seventy-two, she is in perfect health and her skin is line-free, smooth and glowing. She refers to her garden as “The Fountain of Youth”; she drinks and waters her plants with the rainwater she collects.

Wanting to share her personal health success story, Larkins has published books, booklets, a DVD, and appeared on many television talk shows.

Eating raw avoids common toxins found in processed food

A raw vegan diet has helped many people overcome and avoid disease. Allergies, asthma. cancer. constipation, high cholesterol, obesity, and general good health can be achieved. You can completely avoid all processed foods with their trans fat, preservatives, genetically-modified organisms, refined sugars, and chemicals. A raw diet means that you are eating living foods, nothing manufactured in a factory eighteen months (or more) ago.

It doesn’t have to be strict to be great for you

Not all foods are best raw. however; cooked carrots, for instance, contain more vitamin A and beta-caroteine than raw. Whether cooked or raw, the best way to get the vast majority of all the vitamins and other nutrients you need is through a wide variety of fruits and vegetables with beans, nuts, and seeds providing proteins.

A strictly raw diet may not be for everyone but those who live it wouldn’t have it any other way. Some studies have shown that a modified raw diet that includes eggs and fermented dairy may be more beneficial.[1]

Annette Larkins is one of those for whom a raw vegan diet has been the answer to good health and vitality. She has successfully cheated the dealer and played her hand beautifully.

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It 99 percent depends on her genetics. Must give a search about her parents, siblings and relations to find out the truth.

Suwan. not so, although we certainly used to believe this. How our genes behave is infinitely variable, and what genes switch on (longevity genes for example and P53, which protects us from cancer) and off are the determinants of how we age. Also, a secondary code was uncovered this December by a team of researchers at the University of WA. This code sits on top of the already recognized code for proteins and "advises" the cells what to do with their genes. This code can likely be affected by what we eat, drink, other lifestyle factors such as exercise, and even what we think and believe. Stress, for example, can affect the expression of genes, especially oncogenes. Now whether this lady is doing everything to the book, and causing the "right" genes to express themselves is anyone's guess. She looks pretty natural to me but one never really knows. Mimi Kirk is 75 and a raw vegan and somehow looks a whole lot more natural.

Antonia. It certainly makes sense. But I believe it's worth a shot to give a search on her blood relatives, about their looks and behavioral patterns. Can't there be a special gene or a mutation of a gene we already knew, in them. But it's true the way we live certainly affects our aging.

70-Year-Old Florida Woman Looks 30 After Eating Raw for 27 Years

Annette Larkins . a 70-year-old woman from Florida has found a way to preserve her youth after eating raw for 27-years. Annette just turned 70-years-old and have the face and body of a 30-year-old.

She found the “ fountain of youth ” in her backyard garden, she drinks rainwater that she collects in her garden, eats the fruits and vegetables that she grows and live a strict raw vegan lifestyle. The grandmother says she have reaps more benefits that she has anticipated, she has alot of energy.

70-Year-Old Looks 30, Reveals Fountain of Youth

Her mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer at 47, and 36 years old, respectively. Her grandmother’s sisters died of cancer at early ages. Diabetes runs in her family.

Annette Larkins is in perfect health and doesn’t take aspirin. In fact, she doesn’t take any medication at all, at least by the conventional modern definition. She is a fanatic of REAL medicine and lives by the quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ? Hippocrates

Mrs. Larkins grows a plethora of fruit, vegetables, and herbs around and inside of her house. She collects rainwater and makes gallons of juice from what she grows. Wheatgrass is one of her specialties. She grows her own and drinks the juice regularly. Yet another anecdotal case of raw food and juicing providing overall health and endless youth.

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