Wednesday 27 August 2014

Woman raised by monkeys

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Опубликовано: 27 окт. 2012 г.

Relatives of Marina Chapman, the woman who says she was raised by monkeys for five years in the Colombian jungle, have spoken to the Telegraph about her remarkable story.

Ms Chapman's forthcoming book claims she learnt to catch birds and rabbits with her bare hands after being abandoned in the jungle by kidnappers.

The Tarzan-like episode was brought to an end when she was discovered by hunters, but by her ordeal continued when she was sold to a brothel in the city of Cucuta and groomed for prostitution.

She was eventually found living on the streets and was taken in by a family who adopted her.

Disappear Without A Trace?


This is the incredible true story of a little girl’s kidnap, her five year survival alone in the jungle…and the monkeys who saved her.

A unique journey from feral child to modern day Grandma now living happily in Bradford, England.

Marina Chapman doesn’t know her real name or her biological family .

She claims that as a child in Colombia she was abducted and abandoned in the jungle . and that she survived by living alone with monkeys for five years.

Now, fifty years later, Marina is returning to Colombia with her daughter to try and uncover the truth.

Scientists will analyse her bones, test her subconscious responses, examine the inner workings of her mind and a leading primatologist will try and pick holes in her knowledge of monkeys and their behaviour.

Who were her real family . Why was she kidnapped . Could a five year old girl really survive in the jungle so long in the company o.



This is the incredible true story of a little girl’s kidnap, her five year survival alone in the jungle…and the monkeys who saved her.

A unique journey from feral child to modern day Grandma now living happily in Bradford, England.

Marina Chapman doesn’t know her real name or her biological family .

She claims that as a child in Colombia she was abducted and abandoned in the jungle . and that she survived by living alone with monkeys for five years.

Now, fifty years later, Marina is returning to Colombia with her daughter to try and uncover the truth.

Scientists will analyse her bones, test her subconscious responses, examine the inner workings of her mind and a leading primatologist will try and pick holes in her knowledge of monkeys and their behaviour.

Who were her real family . Why was she kidnapped . Could a five year old girl really survive in the jungle so long in the company of monkeys . Is Marina Chapman a fantasist . Or was she truly raised by monkeys?

What the journey uncovers is incredible . But do the experts give her the answers she’s been searching for? Or will they shoot her story down in flames?

Find out in the Woman Raised By Monkeys.

Experts wary of woman’s ‘raised by monkeys’ claim

Experts have queried accounts of a Yorkshire housewife who claims she was raised by a troop of capuchin monkeys after being abducted as a child.

Marina Chapman says she was abandoned in a Colombian rainforest after being kidnapped from her home in Cucuta, in the country’s north-east, at the age of five.

Today Ms Chapman’s daughter, 28, describing domestic life in Bradford, told the Mail on Sunday: “We would often groom one another by picking through each other’s hair”. The anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota said the circumstances made it difficult to verify her story. Chapman’s book, The Girl With No Name, will be published later this month.

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